Dragon Well - Organic Green Tea

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Dragon Well - Organic Green Tea

from $2.99

About this tea: Dragon Well tea is one of the most celebrated teas in China. Famous for its jade green color, aroma of of roasted chestnuts and freshly-cut grass, nutty-sweet flavor and long flat leaf.

Ingredients: Organic Chinese Dragon Well full leaf tea

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Dragon Well (also called Longjing or Lung Ching) tea is likely China’s most renowned green tea. It is named after the village in China’s Zhejiang province where it grows. This tea is famous for its flattened yellow-green leaves and distinct aroma - a combination of freshly cut grass and roasted chestnuts. The flavor of this fine tea is mellow and slightly nutty-sweet. An exceptional cup. High in vitamin C, amino acids, and catechins. 100% Certified Organic.

Steeping Instructions: Pour 6 oz. heated water (170-180˚F) over 1 teaspoon tea leaves and steep 2 minutes. Remove leaves and enjoy. Re-steep as desired. NOTE: You may also use boiling water, but infuse no more than 30 seconds.